Usermode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 disconnect Terminates the suspended telnet session and then logout it.
2 enable
3 ping
4 ping
5 traceroute
6 traceroute
Privilegemode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 clear arp-cache
2 configure terminal Allows to execute commands that change the router's configuration.
3 copy running-config startup-config It saves the active configuration of the router.
4 copy startup-config running-config
5 debug ip packet
6 disable Returns to the UserEXEC mode from Privilege mode.
7 disconnect
8 erase startup-config Deletes all the configuration files present on a router.
9 logout It exits router from the user or privilege mode.
10 ping
11 ping
12 reload
13 resume
14 show access-list Displays all accesslists from all protocols present in a specified router.
15 show banner
16 show cdp Shows the status of CDP such as holdtime value,no.of packets for every 60sec.
17 show cdp interface It tells the CDP configuration on an interface-by-interface basis.
18 show cdp neighbor
19 show cdp traffic
20 show clock
21 show flash Used to view all IOS images and file stored in flash(Default location of IOS images is in flash).
22 show frame-relay lmi Shows the detailed statistics regarding LMI.
23 show frame-relay map
24 show frame-relay pvc
25 show history Shows the previously executed commands.IOS device stores the last ten commands that are executed.
26 show hosts
27 show interfaces To view interfaces,status,and statistics for an interface.If u don't lists a specific interface,all of the interfaces on the router are listed.
28 show interfaces ethernet 0
29 show interfaces loopback 0
30 show interfaces serial 0 displays the lmi type that is being used and also sme LMI statisstics.
31 show ip arp
32 show ip eigrp neighbors Shows the list of eigrp neighbors that a specified router has.
33 show ip eigrp neighbors detail
34 show ip eigrp topology Displays the list of successor and feasible successors,as well as other types of routes.
35 show ip eigrp traffic It shows the information about trafiic statistics for eigrp
36 show ip interface
37 show ip interface brief Verifies the IP configuration.
38 show ip ospf database
39 show ip ospf interface
40 show ip ospf neighbor detail
41 show ip route Verifies the configurationof static and default routes on a router.
42 show protocols Displays the routing protocols that have been configured and running on a specified router.
43 show running-config
44 show sessions shows the telnet sessions that are currently suspended.
45 show startup-config
46 show version Display version information for the hardware and firmware.
47 telnet
48 telnet
49 traceroute
50 traceroute
51 vlan database Used to access all VLAN and VTP configuration.
52 write erase
53 write memory
54 write terminal
Global configuration mode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 access-list
2 access-list
3 access-list
4 access-list
5 banner motd
6 cdp advertise-v2
7 cdp holdtime
8 cdp run
9 cdp timer
10 config-register
11 dialer-list
12 enable password
13 enable secret
14 end
15 hostname
16 interface ethernet 0 Used to access ethernet interface and enter Interface subconfiguration mode.
17 interface fastethernet
18 interface loopback 0 Used to create loopback interface.Port numbers can specify between 0 to 2147483647.
19 interface serial 0
20 interface vlan
21 ip default-gateway
22 ip default-network
23 ip domain-lookup
24 ip host
25 ip name-server
26 ip route
ip route
ip route
27 ip route
28 ip route
29 ip route
30 ip routing
31 ipx routing
32 isdn switch-type
33 line aux
34 line console 0 To enter into console interface.Here 0 specifies the console part.
35 line vty It supports 16 simultaneous telnet connections and each connection is internally tracked by a number:0-15.
36 no banner motd
37 no cdp run It can globally enable or disable the cdp on a router.
38 no ip domain-lookup It disables all the DNS lookups on the router.
39 no ip routing
40 no router eigrp
41 no router ospf
42 no router rip
43 no vlan
44 router eigrp
45 router ospf
46 router rip Enters into the RIP routing protocol configuration mode.
47 snmp-server enable traps vtp
48 username
Interface subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 bandwidth
2 cdp enable
3 clock rate
4 compress stac
5 description
6 dialer-group
7 dialer map ip
8 dialer map ip
9 dialer string< phone_#>
10 encapsulation
ex: encapsulation hdlc
11 encapsulation framerelay
12 frame-relay lmi-type
13 frame-relay map
14 frame-relay map
15 frame-relay map
16 frame-relay map
17 frame-relay map
18 frame-relay map
19 ip access-group
20 ip access-group
21 ip address
22 isdn spid1
23 isdn spid2
24 keepalive
25 login
26 no bandwidth
27 no cdp enable
28 no clock rate
29 no frame map
30 no frame map
31 no frame map
32 no frame map
33 no ip address
34 no shutdown
35 shutdown It disable the interfaces.Interfaces are enabled by default.
36 shutdown switchport
37 speed
38 switchport access vlan
39 switchport port-security mac-address sticky
40 switchport port-security maximum
41 switchport port-security violation
Line subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 exec-timeout
2 logging synchronous
3 password
Subinterface Subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 discription
2 frame-relay interface-dlci
3 frame-relay map
4 frame-relay map
5 frame-relay map
6 frame-relay map
7 frame-relay map
8 frame-relay map
9 ip address
10 no ip address
11 no shutdown It specifies the DLCI number.Uses a dynamic resolution with inverse ARP.
12 shutdown It specifies the DLCI number.Uses a dynamic resolution with inverse ARP.
IP Routing Protocol Subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 network
User mode Commands
Supported Switch Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 enable
Privilegemode Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 clock set hh:mm:ss <1-31> Month <2004-2035>
2 configure terminal Allows to execute commands that change the switch's configuration.
3 copy running-config startup-config It saves the active configuration of the switch.
4 copy startup-config running-config
5 disable Returns to the UserEXEC mode from Privilege mode.
6 erase startup-config
7 logout It exits switch from the user or privilege mode.
8 reload
9 show banner
10 show flash Used to view all IOS images and file stored in flash(Default location of IOS images is in flash).
11 show history
12 show interfaces To view interfaces,status,and statistics for an interface.If u don't lists a specific interface,all of the interfaces on the switch are listed.
13 show ip interface brief Verifies the IP configuration.
14 show running-config It examine the active configuration on a switch.
15 show startup-config
16 show version Display version information for the hardware and firmware
Global Configuration mode Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 banner motd
2 cdp advertise-v2
3 cdp holdtime
4 cdp run
5 cdp timer
6 enable password
7 enable secret
8 end
9 hostname
10 ip default-gateway
11 ip host
12 interface fastethernet <0-0>/<0-24> Depends on the switch type. For module 0, port 1 the command is interface fastethernet 0/1
13 interface vlan
example: interface vlan 1
(config-if)#ip address
14 line console 0
15 line vty 0 15
16 mac-address-table static
17 snmp-server enable traps vtp
18 speed
Interface Subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 description
2 duplex
3 ip address
4 ip name-server
5 login
6 no ip address
7 no shutdown It reenables the interface when the interface is disabled.By default interfaces are enabled.
8 no switchport
9 shutdown Disables a port and shuts-down management vlan. no shutdown command enables a port.
Line Subconfiguration mode Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 password
Vlan mode Commands
Sl.No. commands Comments, if any.
1 vlan
2 vtp client Specifies the VTP mode of the switch.
3 vtp domain Defines the domain name for a specified switch.For switches to share VTP informtion they must be in the same domain.
4 vtp password
5 vtp pruning
6 vtp server
7 vtp transparent
Workstation Commands
Sl. No. Command Comments, if any.
1 ip address
2 ping
3 ping
4 telnet
5 telnet
6 traceroute
7 traceroute
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